
King Richard III Infant and Nursery School

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Attendance in KS1 is now at 94.6%! Please keep working with us to raise this even more - every day in school adds to your child's learning and understanding!

Latest newsletter

Please remember to use the yellow button in the top right hand corner of this page to translate the latest newsletter! 



Thursday 2nd May 2024


Dear Parents, Carers, Families and Friends,


I hope this newsletter finds you well and enjoying the warmer weather as we approach the summer months. It's been a busy and exciting time at our school, as always, and I'm delighted to share some updates with you.


First and foremost, I want to extend a big thank you to our new Sunflowers class teachers, Miss Essat and Mrs. Mann. They have taken over the reins seamlessly from Mrs. Golding, who has begun her well-deserved maternity leave. I'm confident that our little ones are in very capable hands, and I'm sure you'll join me in wishing Mrs. Golding all the best during this special time for her and her family.


Speaking of celebrations, I'm excited to announce the introduction of a special new trophy for the class with the best attendance record each week. We hope it will be another wonderful incentive for our students to strive for excellent attendance and punctuality. I can't wait to see which class will be the first to proudly display this coveted trophy in their classroom!


On a different note, I hope you've had a chance to read our Online Safety newsletter for May. If you haven't received it, please don't hesitate to contact our office, and we'll be happy to provide you with a copy. You’ll also find it on the school website, as always. Online safety is a crucial topic, and we want to ensure that our families have access to the latest information and resources.


Finally, a friendly reminder to update us if your contact details change, please. You can easily do this through the form on our school website, ensuring that we have the most up-to-date information to reach you promptly in case of any important updates or emergencies. You can also give your information directly to the school office as well, of course.


As always, I'm incredibly grateful for your continued support and partnership in your child's educational journey. Together, we can create an environment where our students can thrive and reach their full potential.


Many thanks from Ms Harrison (KRIII Headteacher) and the whole school team

May's Online Safety Newsletter

Our April Online Safety newsletter





Newsletter 19th March 2024

Dear parents, carers, families and friends,

We’re nearly at the end of the Spring term – the year is going by so quickly! – so the first point in this newsletter is a reminder that we’re in school this Friday (March 22nd) and then the school will be closed for the Easter break until Monday 8th April.

You might find it helpful to subscribe to the calendar – just click on this section at the top of every calendar page:

If your child is poorly:

Another reminder – it’s really important that you get in touch with us if your child is away because they’re poorly. You can message us on Weduc/ReachMoreParents straight away, which many of you do. Some parents like to phone and leave a voicemail. That’s fine too. Please make sure that you let us know somehow – it’s a serious worry if we don’t hear from you!

Authorising absences:

Some parents complete forms from the office to let us know that they’re thinking of going away during term time. You’ll know already that, for it to be authorised, this absence would have to be for an exceptional reason. If there’s a way that the absence could have been shorter or taken during a school holiday, it’s very unlikely that it will be authorised. If your child is of compulsory school age, the absence would incur a fine for both parents.

On a happier note, we’ve shared information on Weduc just now about a Holiday Club taking place over Easter at Caldecote Primary School. I hope this is useful to you – and that there are still places available if you try to book!

School Photos:

Again, the office has sent out information about this on Weduc already, but a reminder that the photos are being taken on Friday. All children will have their photo taken, and the leavers’ photo will also be taken on that day. And if you’d like a photo of family/children together, the information you need is here:


This is a big priority for the school! We’re taking the opportunity to celebrate really great writing in our Celebration Assembly this week. I hope we’ll be able to send home news that we celebrated your child’s super work on Friday! 😊

Parents’ questionnaires:

We lots of great feedback from parents in our parents’ evening questionnaires. Thank you so much for so many lovely comments! We had 127 questionnaires returned and every single one said that your child is doing well at King Richards 😊

Quite a few parents weren’t sure about the class pages on the school website, or only use the website to collect newsletters. You might find these links helpful:

Last of all – our curriculum page, which gives you all sorts of information about what your child is learning through the year.


I hope all of this was helpful – as always, please get in touch if you have any questions, comments or concerns – and a reminder to update your contact details at the bottom of this page if they’ve changed. Thank you!

Ms Harrison (Headteacher)

If your contact details have changed at all, please get in touch to let us know


Previous newsletters from school
