Newsletter for May 26th 2023
Dear parents, carers, families and friends,
Here’s hoping that you’re enjoying the sunshine at the moment, as you read this! The weather forecast looks good for next week’s half term, which is my first reminder:
NO SCHOOL NEXT WEEK! We’re all back after half term on Monday 5th June
Some exciting news – Our new Family Support Worker, Tanya Francis, will be starting with us on Monday 12th June, the week after half term. She has huge amounts of experience in working with parents and families, and can offer support around all sorts of issues. We’re really looking forward to her joining the team.
A parent asked me this morning about the clothing collections – the next one is on September 29th, after the summer break. Don’t forget to check the website calendar for any key dates that you need 😊
Last thing:
PLEASE drive and park safely on the roads around school. We’ve had parents complaining about people speeding and about others parking on the corner, on double yellow lines, causing problems for other drivers as well as pedestrians.
That’s it – have a lovely half term, stay well and we’ll see you all again with big smiles on Monday 5th June.
Ms Harrison and the KRIII team