
King Richard III Infant and Nursery School

We can do it! We never give up - anything is possible!

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*** Attendance at the end of last week, from Reception to Year 2, was 95.1%!*** Please keep working with us to raise this even more - every day in school adds to your child's learning, knowledge and understanding!

Newsletter for February 26th 2022

KRIII Newsletter – 26.2.22


Dear parents, carers, families and friends,


At last! A sunny day! Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend 😊


As well as looking forward to more sunny days this week, we’re also looking forward to two Reading-themed days at KRIII. We LOVE reading!


Thursday 3rd March – World Book Day

On Thursday, schools across the country will be celebrating World Book Day. Some children enjoy dressing as their favourite character from a book or story – if your child would like to dress up to come to school that day, that’s absolutely fine, but they don’t have to. It’s a day to celebrate reading, so they’ll be enjoying book-themed activities through the day, however they’re dressed 😊


Friday 4th March – KRIII’s ‘Share a story’ day

We’re delighted to carry the WE LOVE READING theme into a second day, with the opportunity to raise some funds for the NSPCC at the same time. If your child would like to come to school in their pyjamas (as if they’re about to have a bedtime story), they’re welcome to, but – again – they don’t have to. We’d be grateful for donations of £1 per family to go towards the excellent safeguarding work of the NSPCC.



Some parents have struggled to access the questionnaire I’ve sent a couple of emails about. Several have accessed it easily and others can’t find a way in at all. Here’s the link again: (I’ve just tested it and all seemed fine, but let us know if it’s still not working for you).

The other way to get to the questionnaire is through this QR code:



Fingers crossed!



This week we’ll be sending home a special newsletter all about the attendance rewards and awards we’re introducing, which we hope you and your children will really enjoy.


Some of our families know already that if their child’s attendance falls below a significant %, we will get in touch to let you know that the situation is a worrying one. Sometimes we’ll follow this up by arranging a meeting with you.


A few families are aware that a meeting with the Local Authority’s Education Welfare Officer (the EWO) follows this, if attendance doesn’t improve.


After this, if there’s still no improvement, or if attendance falls even lower, parents can face fines and legal proceedings.


Our systems and meetings in school are designed to support you in avoiding these serious consequences, but it’s also important that you’re aware of how serious low attendance is for your child’s learning, wellbeing and future opportunities in life.



A lot of our parents have now met with their child’s teacher to talk about their child’s progress. A few haven’t done so yet – if you’d like to arrange a meeting, please let us know and we’ll try to help.


Meanwhile, enjoy the sunshine, take care and stay safe –


Ms Harrison and the KRIII team
