Staff in the DSP
Mrs Philippa Plant Teacher
Mrs Liz Atkins Level 3 TA
Mrs Anna Wisniewska Level 2 TA
Mrs Sharon Perkins Level 2 TA
Designation Communication, Interaction and Assessment
Age range 3 - 7yrs (F1 to Yr2)
Available Spaces 10
In our DSP, we aim to…
- Provide children with specialist teaching, equipment and strategies targeting their individual needs
- Provide a safe and purposeful environment in which the children feel supported, secure and happy
- Celebrate individuals, develop their confidence and reach their full potential
- Provide a personalised curriculum that meets each child’s needs, using a wide range of teaching methods and strategies
- Provide meaningful opportunities for focused intervention groups or 1 to 1 sessions
- Encourage children to work and play with their peers in our mainstream classes for specific lessons or parts of the day, wherever this is beneficial and appropriate, to allow children become part of the wider school community
- Work in close, positive partnership with parents, carers and other professionals
Admission criteria
The DSP is for children who may already have an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP) or who are being assessed and for whom an EHCP may be appropriate in the future.
We are ready to support children with difficulties in communication and interaction or in sensory processing, as well as children with complex needs that are still being assessed.
Decisions about admissions cannot be made by the school.
Children requiring a place will go through:
- the SES admissions route and
- their EHCP meetings
Children who gain a place will usually be from Leicester City or Leicestershire.
Provision and Facilities
The DSP caters for 10 children across early years and into Key Stage 1. Most children will have an EHCP, but we do have spaces for the assessment of children who have communication and interaction needs.
The DSP is at the heart of our school and therefore has access to all our mainstream school areas and facilities, including a multi-sensory room.
Home-to-school transport.
If needed, transport will be provided in accordance with the Local Authority SEND transport policy.
Identifying and reviewing need
The DSP will operate within the framework of the revised SEND code of practise 2014 and Local Authority Guidance.
All children with an EHCP will have individualised outcomes to work towards. Progress towards these outcomes will be continually monitored. The outcomes are formally reviewed 3 times a year (once will be as part of the annual EHCP review process) with parents/carers. At these meetings, new outcomes may be set in collaboration with professionals, parents/carers and the child, where appropriate.
Children’s outcomes will be shared with all professionals involved with the child.
As part of classroom practice, other formal and informal assessments will take place, where appropriate; these assessments will be completed by the DSP staff team, SENCO and other agencies
Access to other curriculum areas and strengths for the individual child
We are very proud to be an inclusive school. The DSP is a highly-valued and integral part of King Richard III Infant and Nursery School.
The curriculum within the DSP will reflect the needs of the children and provide them with focused and meaningful learning; this will be planned to address the social, communication and interaction needs for each child.
Children will also have access to mainstream classes as part of an inclusive offer. The amount of time spent within these classes will be individual to the child and only when there is clear benefit to them. During these times, the child will be supported appropriately to ensure these experiences are positive and successful. This will ensure that the individual needs of the children are met.
Home school links
All children will have a home school book that will share information on a daily basis.
Parent/carers are actively encouraged to be involved with all aspects of their child’s education. Parents’ evening meetings are held twice a year (October and February), EHCP reviews are held yearly but outcomes are reviewed three times a year. Parents/ carers are welcome in school at any time.
Please do not hesitate to contact the class teacher if you need to; this can be done by contacting the school office or through your child’s home school book.
Links Beyond School
Staff will have access to training and a full range of service from the Local Authority and Specialist Education Service (SES).