KRIII Newsletter – 24th June 2022
Dear parents, carers, families and friends,
A few changes to share with you in today's newsletter.
A reminder that today is Anita's last day - please take the chance to say goodbye to her this morning when she's on the gates for the last time. We'll miss her and wish her the best of luck in her new, full-time job starting next week!
Going back to our old start/finish times next term
We wanted to give you all as much notice as possible that AFTER the summer break, in the new autumn term, we'll be going back to our old start and end times for the school day for our Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 classes.
After the summer holiday:
We'll be keeping the IN (red gate)/OUT (green gates) system on the KS1 playground.
Remember that these changes will happen AFTER the summer break - until then, we'll carry on just as we are.
Hope this makes sense - please talk to us about any questions you may have.
Safeguarding changes to the pedestrian gates going to the school office/Nursery
We've had some work done on the gates. Each gate will now only open if the other gate is shut. We've had lots of really positive comments about this change, but also a little confusion from a couple of visitors.
Remember: If you close the gate you've just come through, the next gate will open when you get to it. They work in exactly the same way as you go out
Sports Day for Reception, Yr 1 and Yr 2 children
A reminder that you're very welcome to join us on Monday 27th June (next week) for the F2/KS1 sports day - on the field from 1.30pm.
As always, if you have any questions, comments or concerns, just let us know. In the meantime, stay safe, well and smiling -
Ms Harrison and the KRIII team