
King Richard III Infant and Nursery School

We can do it! We never give up - anything is possible!

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*** Attendance, from Reception to Year 2, is currently 94.6% *** Please keep working with us to raise this - every day in school adds to your child's learning, knowledge and understanding! *** Attendance, from Reception to Year 2, is currently 94.6% *** Please keep working with us to raise this - every day in school adds to your child's learning, knowledge and understanding!

Daisy class - Nursery (F0/F1)

Welcome to Daisy Class


Our Daisy staff are

Mrs Harper, Mrs Geary, Miss Roberts, Ms Martin and Mrs Moscizsko

Spring 2

Our topic is Ready Steady Grow


This half term we will be learning:

  • Children will plant seeds and care for growing plants

    Children will begin to understand the need to respect and care for the natural environment and all living things.
  • how to use a comfortable grip with good control when holding pens and pencils.
  • how  to eat independently and be learning how to use a knife and fork.
  • how to skip, hop, stand on one leg and hold a pose for a game like musical statues.
  • Early Phonics skills in their Daily phonics lessons, focusing on phase  (There is more information about how we teach early phonics skills on the Little Wandle website)
  • how to make marks on their picture to stand for their name.
  • about rhythm, rhyme and syllables through music/Nursery rhymes.
  • how to count to 5 and recognise the dice spot arrangements for 1-5
  • to recognise some 2D and 3D shapes
  • to explore natural materials
  • Special Occasions: Shrove Tuesday, Ramadan and Easter





Our focus books and rhymes this half term are:


Sam Plans a sunflower

Grow It!

One Little Seed

Veg patch Party

Olivers Fruit Salad

Events and Celebrations this half term are:


World book day

Science week

Shrove Tuesday

Mothers Day



Reach More Parents


We are using an app called 'Reach More Parents', which enables you to get all communication from school in one place! Please make sure you have downloaded and logged in to the app, so that you are kept up to date!




Nursery Long Term Curriculum 2024 - 2025

Supervised tooth brushing for F1 children in school... please sign up if you haven't already using Reach more Parents

Joining the Library


We believe that stories and reading is one of the most important things to share and we wouldn't want anyone to miss out. Joining the library and borrowing books is completely free. Our closest library is on Narborough Road (although there are lots of libraries all over the city). There are no forms to fill in, just drop in with some proof of ID. Why not pop in after nursery? You can join for free and start borrowing today!


You can find out more information about our nearest library, Westcotes, by clicking below:


Westcotes Library, Narborough Road

Toilet Training


Learning to use the toilet is really important and something we work hard on in Daisy class. Children are reminded to use the toilet regularly and we know that accidents will still happen (there is just so much to do and play with!). We also work closely with each individual family to ensure we can support them at whatever stage of the journey they are at.  This website has lots of useful tips and advice:



Please come and talk to one of us, if you have concerns or require support with this.
