
King Richard III Infant and Nursery School

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*** Attendance at the end of last week, from Reception to Year 2, was 95.1%!*** Please keep working with us to raise this even more - every day in school adds to your child's learning, knowledge and understanding!

Check out our interview about healthy eating with Ms Bell!

Interview with Ms Bell


Why are you so interested in healthy eating for the school?

Because it’s really important for the children’s physical, mental and emotional health.


What can we do at school to support this?

Nutritious school meals that are free to everyone; curriculum focuses on healthy eating and the importance of it. Hopefully now, the information on the website is there for parents to find and make informed choices.

We’re really aware of the money crisis and how this affects people’s shopping choices. School meals are great for the children, but other ideas can help.

Leicester has one of the worst records for dental health for younger children. It’s important to avoid lots of short bursts of sugary foods, for instance, because it has a long-term impact on your health. What we do now sets a good example for the children for the rest of their lives.


What sort of things can we expect to see on the website?

Healthy recipes, and budget-friendly ideas – making tomato sauce, for instance, and freezing portions of it. It’s about stretching ideas and making your meals sustainable.

There’s also nutritional advice on some of the links, as well as recipes for tasty meals.


What are your plans for the future in school?

Maybe setting up cooking courses for adults and children together? Unfortunately, the Food for Life funding has now stopped, and we’d engaged with that a lot, but it’s still important for children to know where their food comes from. We had someone visiting to train school staff about cooking in the classroom – Michelle from Saturday Kitchen came to work with us and gave us lots of ideas and advice.


Last word?

Check out the new recipe for a healthy ‘pot noodle’!
