
King Richard III Infant and Nursery School

We can do it! We never give up - anything is possible!

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Attendance in KS1 is now at 94.6%! Please keep working with us to raise this even more - every day in school adds to your child's learning and understanding!

Poppy class - Reception

Welcome to Poppy Class


The Staff in Poppy Class are:


Mrs Harper - Class Teacher

Mrs MartaTeaching Assistant

Miss George - Teaching Assistant & Lunchtime Supervisor

Miss Ahmed: Teaching Assistant


Our Summer 2 topic is Imagine Imagine

This half-term we will be reading

Aliens Love Underpants

• The Singing Mermaid

• The Wizard of Oz

• The girl, the bear and the magic shoes

• The Smeds and the Smoods



Summer books

Sea Creature books



Sharing and grouping

Making patterns and connections

Personal, social and emotional learning we will be learning about transition to year 1.



explore forces, magnets and the elasticity of objects

Working Scientifically

observe similarities and differences

ask simple questions between things to classify or sort


Can I comment on images of familiar situations in the past?


Where do I live? How has it changed?


We live in Leicester in the West End.

Places change over time.

We can use photographs to look at changes. We can hear people talk about how places have changed.







Things to do at home...


Don't forget you can access helpful videos about our phonics scheme here:

Little Wandle



We hope that you are enjoying reading with your children now we have started to send their books home with them. Please write a comment in your child's diary when you have heard them read.


Through our assessments, we have noticed that lots of the children are struggling to blend sounds together. This means, they can say the sounds individually, C-A-T, but then can't read the whole word as 'cat.' You can play games like this...: 

Balloon Phonics Game

teach your monster to read help them with this skill!

Reception Long Term Plan

Joining the Library


We believe that stories and reading is one of the most important things to share and we wouldn't want anyone to miss out. Joining the library and borrowing books is completely free. Our closest library is on Narborough Road (although there are lots of libraries all over the city). There are no forms to fill in, just drop in with some proof of ID. Why not pop in after nursery? You can join for free and start borrowing today!


You can find out more information about our nearest library, Westcotes, by clicking below:


Westcotes Library, Narborough Road

PE day is Thursday. Children will need black shorts, white t-shirt and black pumps

We will change the children's books every Thursday.

Every Friday is Fun Friday. We go to Forest School and the children will need appropriate clothing for the weather.  
