17th January 2024
Dear parents, carers, families and friends,
I do hope that you’re warm and indoors as you read this! It’s very cold today, as you know - thank you for sending your children into school wrapped up warmly each morning.
So far the weather forecast for Leicester has been reasonable for the time of year – if that changes, and if the weather conditions mean that we can’t open the school for any reason, we will do our very best to let you know that we have to stay closed by 7am, so you can make other arrangements.
If that happened, you would get a message
We wouldn’t send a school message on Social Media (Facebook, X etc), so please watch out for official messages directly to you from the school, and please make sure we have the up-to-date contact details for you at the School Office.
While we’re talking about keeping our children safe, you should have received a Weduc/ReachMoreParents message from me earlier today with information about Operation Encompass. That information is also on the school website Safeguarding page - https://www.kingrichards.leicester.sch.uk/safeguarding/ - along with new links and information about Private Fostering and Young Carers.
As always, if you have any questions, just have a chat with us on the school gates and we’ll do best to help. Copies of policies are always available on website and on request, especially our Child Protection policy, which includes information about lots of specific elements of safeguarding.
Many thanks – and stay warm!
Ms Harrison
Private Fostering https://www.leicester.gov.uk/health-and-social-care/adoption-and-fostering/private-fostering/
Young Carers - https://www.leicester.gov.uk/health-and-social-care/adult-social-care/support-for-carers/help-for-young-carers/