
King Richard III Infant and Nursery School

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Ofsted and Performance Data

KRIII 2023 Ofsted report (and please see the full text below, which you can translate with the button in the top right hand corner of the page)

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Inspection of a good school: King Richard III Infant and Nursery School Andrewes Street, Leicester, Leicestershire LE3 5PA

Inspection dates: 6 and 7 December 2022



There has been no change to this school's overall judgement of good as a result of this ungraded (section 8) inspection. However, the evidence gathered suggests that the inspection grade might not be as high if a graded (section 5) inspection were carried out now. The next inspection will therefore be a graded inspection.


What is it like to attend this school?

This school is a lively, happy place where everyone is welcome. Leaders have created an ethos that nurtures and supports children. Pupils say they are happy to come to school. They feel safe when they are in school and know that adults care about them. However, some pupils do not attend well.


Pupils are respectful towards their peers and adults. Most pupils behave well. They understand how to raise concerns about bullying. Pupils say that bullying sometimes happens. When it does, they say that staff deal with any problems quickly.


Teachers provide opportunities for pupils to revisit learning that they have not remembered. Pupils are given opportunities to secure knowledge through practise. Pupils who have special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are appropriately supported to access the curriculum alongside their peers. In some subjects, the curriculum is not yet sufficiently sequenced or ambitious for some pupils. This means that some pupils may not be achieving as well as they should.


Pupils develop an appropriate awareness of how to respect one another. They understand the need to be kind. However, pupils have a limited understanding of different cultures and fundamental British values.


Parents and carers are overwhelmingly positive about the school. One parent spoke for many when they described the school as a place where children ‘Can be themselves and thrive.’


What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders want all pupils to benefit from an ambitious curriculum and be prepared for transition to the junior school. They have plans for this vision to be realised. However, curriculum plans are in the early stages and not consistently developed across all subjects.


Leaders are beginning to consider what pupils will learn in each subject, including the areas of learning in early years. In most subjects, the key knowledge that leaders want pupils to know and remember is not clear. Leaders have not considered the order of delivery of the curriculum content. The curriculum is not well sequenced. It does not build on what pupils have learned before. As a result, pupils struggle to remember what they have been taught.


Pupils’ learning in mathematics is further developed, based on well sequenced and coherent plans. Children in the early years make a strong start in learning about numbers. Teachers use appropriate resources to support those who need extra help. Pupils speak with some confidence about what they are learning in this subject.


Leaders have recently introduced a new curriculum for phonics. The early signs are that it is having a positive impact on pupils’ ability to read. Leaders ensure that children start the phonics programme as soon as they start in the Reception class. Pupils who struggle with their reading are quickly supported to catch up. For many pupils, books match the sounds that they know. However, there is no planned curriculum for reading in Year 2. Teachers’ expectations are too low. Pupils in Year 2 do not have access to a wide range of reading texts. Texts are not well chosen to meet pupils’ needs and engage their interests. As a result, some pupils are not achieving as well as they could.


The provision for pupils with SEND is effective. A small group of pupils attend the specialist unit, which offers nurture and personalised learning. Pupils are well supported to transition between the unit and the classroom seamlessly. Teaching assistants support pupils well. Staff use visual resources to support learning. Staff identify gaps in pupils’ knowledge and intervene swiftly to help pupils to catch up.


Pupils have a range of experiences to promote their wider personal development. Some pupils access after-school clubs, such as the movie and popcorn club. Pupils are courteous and welcoming to visitors. They are encouraged to demonstrate kindness and respect, for example, by participating in charitable and fundraising events, like Children in Need. However, some pupils have a limited understanding of fundamental British values. This leads to pupils having confused views of the law, democracy, and different cultures in modern Britain.


When expectations of pupils’ behaviour are high, pupils respond appropriately. Pupils listen when the teacher is talking. They are compliant and do as they are asked. They respond well to staff in lessons and on the playground. However, expectations of behaviour in class are not consistently high, and some silly behaviour goes unchallenged.


Many pupils do not attend well. Some have high levels of absence from school. These pupils miss important aspects of their education. Leaders are developing their attendance systems to ensure that more pupils attend school regularly.


Staff appreciate the efforts that leaders make to manage their workload and support their well-being. Most staff say they feel valued members of a supportive team.



The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.


Leaders ensure that all staff and governors are fully trained to identify pupils who are in need of support. Many leaders are trained as designated safeguarding leads. Any concerns detected are reported systematically. Leaders respond to concerns and provide the support needed to pupils and their families.


Leaders carry out appropriate checks on adults working in school to make sure they are suitable to work with pupils.


The curriculum offers many opportunities for pupils to learn how to keep themselves safe. Pupils say that they feel safe and know that they can talk to a trusted adult.


What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

◼ Leaders have not ensured that curriculum planning in all subjects and in the early years is ambitious and clear. Planning does not set out the key knowledge that needs to be learned and the order in which it needs to be taught. This means that pupils and children in the early years fail to acquire the knowledge and skills that they could. Leaders must ensure that all subject curriculums and the curriculum in the early years makes it clear what should be learned and the order that it should be taught, so that pupils gain the knowledge and skills that they need.

◼ Leaders have not ensured that reading texts are suitable and appropriately challenging. Pupils in Year 2 do not develop sufficient knowledge of different types of text. They do not have the opportunity to extend vocabulary and read for pleasure. Leaders should ensure that pupils are provided with ambitious reading texts, carefully chosen to promote pupils’ knowledge and skills as well as their love of reading.

◼ The curriculum for personal development does not help pupils to fully understand fundamental British values. It does not provide pupils with enough opportunities to learn about different cultures. This means that pupils are not well prepared for some aspects of life in modern Britain. Leaders must ensure that the curriculum enables pupils to develop a secure understanding of British values and different cultures.

◼ Rates of attendance remain too low. The number of pupils who are persistently absent from school is too high. This means that pupils miss too much of their education. Leaders need to work with children and their families to develop and use a range of strategies to ensure that all pupils attend school regularly and that the rate of persistent absence is reduced.


How can I feed back my views?

You can use Ofsted Parent View to give Ofsted your opinion on your child's school, or to find out what other parents and carers think. We use information from Ofsted Parent View when deciding which schools to inspect, when to inspect them and as part of their inspection.


The Department for Education has further guidance on how to complain about a school.


Further information

You can search for published performance information about the school.


In the report, 'disadvantaged pupils' refers to those pupils who attract government pupil premium funding: pupils claiming free school meals at any point in the last six years and pupils in care or who left care through adoption or another formal route.



School details

Unique reference number 120017

Local authority Leicester

Inspection number 10240807

Type of school Infant

School category Maintained

Age range of pupils 3 to 7

Gender of pupils Mixed

Number of pupils on the school roll 261

Appropriate authority Local authority

Chair of governing body Stephen Burnham

Headteacher Lou Harrison


Date of previous inspection 15 June 2017, under section 8 of the Education Act 2005


Information about this school

◼ The school does not make use of any alternative provision.

◼ The school has a specialist unit for pupils with SEND.


Information about this inspection

This was the first routine inspection the provider received since the COVID-19 pandemic began. The inspector discussed the impact of the pandemic with the provider and has taken that into account in their evaluation of the provider.


◼ The inspector met with the deputy headteacher, other leaders and members of staff. The inspectors also met with representatives from the local authority and governors.

◼ The inspector carried out deep dives in these subjects: reading, mathematics and history. For each of these subjects the inspector held discussions with subject leaders, visited lessons, spoke with staff and pupils and looked at pupils’ work. The inspector also observed pupils reading to a familiar adult.

◼ The inspector looked at a range of documentation. These included school improvement planning, policies, the schools’ evaluation documentation and curriculum documents.

◼ The inspector observed behaviour in lessons, breaktimes and at lunchtime. The inspector spoke to a range of staff about their views of behaviour and their workload and well-being. The inspector spoke with pupils to consider their views.

◼ The inspector spoke with leaders, pupils and staff about the school’s work to keep pupils safe. This included reviewing safeguarding records, documentation and the single central record.

◼ The inspector analysed the survey responses of staff. The inspector spoke with parents and considered the responses to Ofsted Parent View, including the free-text responses.

◼ The inspector looked at information published on the school’s website.


Inspection team

Donna Chambers, lead inspector - Ofsted Inspector
