3rd September 2021
Dear parents, carers, families and friends,
I hope this finds everyone safe and well. It's been a pleasure to see you all as the children have settled back into school. Many thanks for your support in encouraging your children to come into school every day, but also in offering your support by letting us know if they're not well. We're working hard to strike a good balance between keeping attendance as high as possible and keeping everyone as safe and well as we can.
Just a few things to mention this week...
We're gradually sending out new sign up sheets for children who've recently joined us. If you were already using MarvellousMe, you should now be able to see your child's new class displayed on the app or web page. Please get in touch if you're having any problems - if you're waiting for the sign up sheet, it should come home to you some time next week
Celebration Assembly
Although our assemblies are now back together in the hall, on a Friday the Celebration Assembly is still on a video. This is partly to allow classes with different timetables to access them at a time that's good for them, but also to give parents a chance to share in their child's success. The videos go into the Resource Centre on this website - on the final balloon!
Scooter Appeal
One of our children has a Mickey Mouse Scooter - red and blue, with a yellow handle - that may have gone home with the wrong person by mistake. He's obviously missing it a lot... if you see it, could you let us know, please?
No filming on school premises or playgrounds
Please don't film your child anywhere on the school premises, including the playgrounds. This is important because of data protection and safeguarding issues - we'll ask you to put your phone away, having shown us that you've deleted any photos or footage, if necessary. Thank you for your support with this.
Have a lovely weekend - and please stay safe!
All best wishes,
Ms Harrison and the KRIII team