
King Richard III Infant and Nursery School

We can do it! We never give up - anything is possible!

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*** Attendance at the end of last week, from Reception to Year 2, was 94.9%!*** Please keep working with us to raise this even more - every day in school adds to your child's learning, knowledge and understanding!

Newsletter for October 2022

KRIII Newsletter – Monday 10th October 2022


Good morning to all of our parents, families and friends -


It was a very drizzly start to the day and now it's a beautifully sunny morning as I write this – we seem to be firmly into autumn weather now.


As it gets cooler, your children’s school jumpers and cardigans start to be really important! If you haven’t looked at our uniform policy yet, it’s here – – and we hope you find it helpful to see that, although we ask our children to wear uniform to school, we don’t ask you to buy expensive items with logos. It should be cheaper and much more practical for you to buy uniform items at the supermarket than it is to send them into school wearing their own clothes.


We also have lots of donated items of uniform that might be helpful to you – ask Sheereen (our Family Support Worker) about it if you’d like to have a look, and we’ll also have the uniform out in the hall at Parents’ Evenings this week.


Please keep reading, as there’s interesting information to share this week…

In the meantime, if you have any questions, comments or concerns, just let us know J

Ms Harrison (Headteacher)


Parents' evening meetings are this week - If you haven't already booked a face-to-face meeting or phone call appointment with your child's teacher, please get in touch with them straight away to arrange something! Sheereen will be available to talk to on Wednesday, and we'll be opening up the hall on all three days for parents to wait. Please remember that you're responsible for your children while you're here after school for those meetings. We'd also be grateful if you could use the space in the hall to maintain social distancing when you can. 


Mrs Jeffrey is retiring at the end of this week – she’s done so much for the school, especially for our readers, but she’s also done lots of work in setting up our Peace Garden, making our Happy Lunchtimes work and lots more. Thank you, Mrs Jeffrey for everything you’ve done for King Richards over the years!


Attendance – we know there are lots of coughs, colds and temperatures around at the moment. We also know that, of course, our children do better when they’re in school every day. If you get a letter from us about your child’s attendance, it’s to let you know that their attendance is starting to be a risk to their learning. It’s also to offer help. Please keep working with us to keep your child in school and learning as much as possible.


After school clubs

After the half term holiday, Aftercare staff will be running three clubs after school.

Mondays (starting 24th October for 7 weeks) – Board games club

Wednesdays (starting 26th October for 7 weeks) – Seasonal crafts club

Fridays (starting 28th October for 7 weeks) – Movie and Popcorn club

Clubs will run until 4.30pm and cost £6 each.

There are 10 spaces available in each club, places will be on a first-come,

first-served basis, so please call the office to book your child’s place.

For an extra £4, your child can stay in Aftercare after the club until 5.30pm.
