Welcome to Year 2
Jasmine Class
Welcome to Jasmine Class!
Here you will find the latest updates of our work in class and any important information that you may need to help support children's learning at home.
Important Notes for Jasmine Class:
PE: This term we will have PE every Thursday and Friday. Children will need to bring a PE kit into school on a Thursday. As the weather gets colder, all lessons will be inside so please ensure children have a t-shirt, shorts and a change of shoes.
Reading: Every child will have two reading books to take home.
Reading for pleasure book - This book can be changed at any time and is chosen by your child based on their interests. It may be slightly too easy or too difficult for the children so please read this with them to support.
Little Wandle Phonics Book or Reading Group Book - This book will have been read in school previously with them and therefore they should be able to read it independently to you. This book will be given out on a Wednesday and needs to be returned every Friday.
Spring 1:
We have another exciting half-term of learning for Year 2!
In English, we will be using the book Meerkat Mail by Emily Garrett as the basis of our work. We will create our own postcards just like Sunny the Meerkat, learn about the use of commas and write non-chronological reports about meerkats. Throughout all of our writing, we will be practising the skills we have already learned and working on our handwriting and presentation to make our work even better!
In Maths, we will continue to explore money for the first week before moving onto multiplication and division. As part of this, we will learn our 2, 5 and 10 times table and begin to understand two different methods of dividing - grouping and sharing.
In Science, we will focus on how to work scientifically using our observation and recording skills to cinduct experiments.
For History, we will be diving into the world of communication to see how methods of communicating have changed over the past 200 years. As part of this we will study old and new phones and our children will encounter the shocking revelation that phones were only able to ring people until recently!
In Art, we will be exploring how different painters paint expressively using loose brush strokes. We will study the work of Charlie French and Vincent Van Gogh, and have a go at recreating some of their work.
In Design and Technology, our topic will be mechanisms. We will aim to understand how axles and wheels work to make things move, and will use this knowledge to create a wind-powered vehicle which we will race in school!
In Music sessions, we will start to learn how to play the recorder and listen to a series of different songs around the theme of 'Friendship'.
In PSHE we will expand our knowledge of different jobs that people have, including why people need jobs and what skills we would need to have for our dream jobs.
In RE, we will look at different religious and non-religious beliefs, helping the children understand their identity and some of the key religious beliefs in some major religions.
In our PE lessons this half-term we will have PE specialist coaches on Thursdays teaching gymnastics, and we will be working on our movement skills in Friday sessions.
We also have an exciting trip planned to the Library and will take part in Leicestershire Libraries' Our Best Picture Book challenge.
For more information on what we are learning this term, please look at our Curriculum overview.
Year 2 Curriculum:
Below you will find our Curriculum Maps for each term.
If you have any questions about Jasmine Class or curriculum content, please feel free to email the office or speak to Mr Richards at the end of the day.