
King Richard III Infant and Nursery School

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Attendance in KS1 is now at 94.6%! Please keep working with us to raise this even more - every day in school adds to your child's learning and understanding!

Jasmine class - Year 2

Welcome to Year 2

Jasmine Class


Teacher: Mr Richards


Welcome to Jasmine Class!


Here you will find the latest updates of our work in class and any important information that you may need to help support children's learning at home.

Important Notes for Jasmine Class:

PE: This term we will have PE on Monday and alternate Fridays. Children should bring a PE kit into school on a Monday.


Reading: Every child will have two reading books to take home.

Reading for pleasure book - This book can be changed at any time and is chosen by your child based on their interests. It may be slightly too easy or too difficult for the children so please read this with them to support.

Little Wandle Phonics Book or Reading Group Book - This book contains the phonic sounds your child has been learning in class, and will have been read in school previously with them. Therefore they should be able to read it independently to you. This book will be given out on a Wednesday and needs to be returned every Friday.

Summer 1:

We have got lots of exciting learning to do this half term!


In English, we are going to be looking at 'A Cloudy Lesson' which is a short film. We will be writing setting and character descriptions based on the story and writing our own new endings. We will also be looking at poems by a famous poet - Michael Rosen, learning to perform some of his poems and then having a go at writing our own!


In Maths, we will be learning all about time and how to read the time on a clock. After this, we will start to look at statistics and how we can represent data in tally charts, bar charts and pictograms. Finally this term, we will focus on position and geometry. 


For Geography, we will be carrying out our very own fieldwork in our local area. We will be deciding on a 'new shop' to open on Narborough Road by researching what shops there already are and then using our knowledge of maps and map symbols to create a route on a map for parents to get there.


In Science, we will be learning all about plants. As part of this we have an exciting trip planned to the University of Leicester  Botanical Gardens to see some of their unusual and interesting plants! We will then carry out some experiments to find the best conditions for plants to grow in. 


In DT this half-term, we shall try our hand at sewing and weaving to make ourselves a hand puppet. In Art, we will be painting expressively using different painting techniques. As part of this, we will study the work of Vincent Van Gogh and Charlie French.


In PSHE we will learn about bullying and what to do if we or someone we know is being bullied. In RE, we will think about what it means to belong to a religion.


In Music, we will be learning the song 'The Friendship Song' by Joanna Mangona. We will learn the song and how to play a range of instruments in time to it.


Our Computing learning for this half-term is about how computers can help us collect and display data. This will link with our Maths learning on statistics and we will create our own pictograms and bar charts digitally.


Please see our LTP for Summer 1 for more information. 

Learning planned across the year for Year 2 in 2023-24

Year 2 Curriculum:


Below you will find our Curriculum Maps for each term.


If you have any questions about Jasmine Class or curriculum content, please feel free to email the office or speak to Mr Richards at the end of the day.
