
King Richard III Infant and Nursery School

We can do it! We never give up - anything is possible!

Google Services




*** Attendance at the end of last week, from Reception to Year 2, was 96.4%!*** Please keep working with us to raise this even more - every day in school adds to your child's learning, knowledge and understanding!

Mental Health and Wellbeing

MindEd is a really useful resource for parents and carers - you can access their focused articles on a range of issues, as well as their 'Top Parenting Tips'.




They give information about services to support your

child's mental health





You can also search for things that particularly interest

you - for instance, if you search for 'bullying', you'll come to THIS PAGE.


Running along the top of every one of MindEd's pages, you'll see these choices:

You can click on each of these questions to access advice to help you straight away. 

Our school's Mental Health and Wellbeing for Pupils policy
