KRIII Newsletter – 8th June 2022
Dear parents, carers, families and friends,
The half term break seems a long time ago now, but I hope you all had a lovely week and enjoyed the Jubilee celebrations
Now we're busy with year group visits to interesting places - Year 2 are out today, visiting Newarke Houses; Our Reception classes are going to the farm on Monday, and Year 1 are visiting Rutland Water the following week. Huge thanks to all of the staff for their hard work to make this possible, and to you for supporting with contributions, organisation etc.
Online Safety website for parents and children to visit together
HERE it is, for 4-7 year olds. I've looked at it and it looks brilliant - if you can make time to explore it with your child, I highly recommend it. The important message, which we reinforce all of the time at school, is that children should Tell A Grown up if anything worries or scares them. The website gives children badges as they progress through the site, which they'll love. Let us know what you think of it!
Hellos and Goodbyes
You'll have noticed Mr Bird around the school already, I'm sure. He's joined us this week as our new Premises Officer and is getting to work on lots of jobs around the school, which is great. The children met him in assembly on Monday and everyone has given him a very warm welcome.
As you'll also know, Mrs Golding and Mrs Thorpe from Year 2 both started their maternity leaves at half term. This morning we heard that Mrs Thorpe welcomed her new baby boy yesterday! Congratulations to the Thorpe family on their lovely new arrival
A sad goodbye is coming up in a couple of weeks - Anita has been the Family Support Worker at KRIII for a long time, and I know how many of you have really valued the work she does and the support she's offered. She's been looking for a full-time post for a little while and has, of course, been snapped up! Anita has been brilliant and we wanted to give you time to say goodbye before she leaves on the 24th of this month.
We'll miss you, Anita! Enjoy your new job
We will have a new FSW starting with us after the summer break - more of that closer to the time.
As always, if you have any questions, comments or concerns, just let us know. In the meantime, stay safe, well and smiling -
Ms Harrison and the KRIII team