
King Richard III Infant and Nursery School

We can do it! We never give up - anything is possible!

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*** Attendance at the end of last week, from Reception to Year 2, was 94.9%!*** Please keep working with us to raise this even more - every day in school adds to your child's learning, knowledge and understanding!

Newsletter for February 4th 2022

Newsletter – 4.2.22


Dear parents, carers, families and friends,


Hope this newsletter finds you all safe and well 😊


It’s been a challenging start to our Spring term, with lots of adults in school testing positive for Covid – but regular testing has meant that we know quickly if a member of staff needs to isolate while they recover, and this has gradually reduced the numbers affected in school. Many thanks to our teachers and support staff, who have maintained King Richard’s happy learning environment throughout and the children have been brilliant, as they always are.


Time for a few dates and reminders…



Your child’s class teacher will be arranging Spring term parent meetings with you over the next couple of weeks. The high number of Covid cases at the moment mean that we can’t re-introduce face-to-face meetings, as we’d hoped, this term. Nevertheless, we’re aiming for 100% engagement for families this term, because we know how much difference these meetings make for your children.



Number Day tomorrow, don’t forget! We’re encouraging children to dress to show numbers in some way – and would be grateful if families could donate £1 or £2 towards this NSPCC fundraiser.


Safer Internet Day this week

Tuesday Feb 8th – find out more here - and there are lots of resources on our webpage, here.


Children’s mental health week

All of next week, with more information here - - and resources on our school webpage here too 😊


We are a Nut-Free School

To keep our children and staff safe, we have a policy of no nuts!!

Please take care with the food you send into school for your child. Thank you.



The last day of this half term is Friday 11th February. School will be closed for the week beginning 14th February and the children will be back in school from Monday 21st.



Keep your eyes open for our new reward system for parents and children with great attendance, starting with the new half term. It’s going to be exciting! 😊


Take care and stay safe –

Ms Harrison and the KRIII team
