
King Richard III Infant and Nursery School

We can do it! We never give up - anything is possible!

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*** Attendance at the end of last week, from Reception to Year 2, was 96.4%!*** Please keep working with us to raise this even more - every day in school adds to your child's learning, knowledge and understanding!

Bluebell class - Year 2

We are Bluebell class!


Year 2

The adults who work in Bluebell Class are:

Mrs Wilson and Miss Aspinall

Welcome to our class page! We hope that you will find some of the information below useful. 

PE is on a Thursday and Friday this year. Please send your child to school with suitable PE clothes in a bag on this day (joggers, t-shirt, jumper and trainers). The children will need to get changed in school. Please make sure all items are labelled with the child's name!

Autumn 1:

Welcome back! We have an exciting start to Year 2!


In English, we are going to be creating character descriptions and changing the endings of familiar stories to make our own versions. We will be reading and writing instructional texts. Throughout all of our writing, we will be practising the skills we have already learned and working on our handwriting and presentation to make our work even better!


In Maths, our main focus is on understanding the meaning of the digits used to write numbers up to one hundred. We will be learning to represent and partition numbers in different ways, which will help make it easier when we come to do addition calculations with those larger numbers.


In Science, we will be thinking about habitats within the United Kingdom and in other places around the world, and the ways in which animals adapt to living in those habitats. 


For History, we will be taking the our understanding of Protest further, looking at the lives and actions of Alice Hawkins and Malala Yousafzai and the impact of their actions to change their communities for the better.


In Geography lessons, we will develop our understanding of where we live, extending beyond the United Kingdom to learn about continents and oceans. We will learn about climate and where the hotter and colder places are on Earth.


In Art, we will be exploring different ways of drawing and mark making. We will be using natural found objects to create Land Art, looking at the work of other Land Artists like Jon Foreman and Andy Goldsworthy.


In Music sessions, we will listen to music from different genres and think about how different styles of music can make us think and feel different things. 


E-safety forms a big part of our Computing curriculum this term and we will discuss online bullying and what to do about it, as well as staying safe online and how to protect our privacy and security. We will also begin to learn how we can use a Computer for word processing.


In PSHE we will learn more about how to be a good friend, what it is like to feel lonely and what we can do to make new friends.


In RE, we will be learning about what people believe about God, humanity and the natural world.


In our PE lessons this half-term we will have PE specialist coaches on Thursdays, and we will be working on our Balance and Agility in Friday sessions.



How to help your child's learning at home:



Read or share a story with your child every day. Your child will bring home a 'Little Wandle Letters and Sounds' reading book every Wednesday. They will be able to read this book as they have read it in school. Ask them to read it to you and then discuss the book. 

What did they like about the story? 

What was their favourite part of the story?

Was there anything which surprised them? 

Please make sure that these book are returned to school on Mondays. 



Work on addition facts to 10 (e.g. 3+4=7, 6+1=7, 2+7=9 etc)

Work on subtraction facts within 10 (e.g. 8-2=6, 4-1=3, 7-4=3 etc)

Practise x tables (2s, 5s & 10s) 










Learning planned across the year for Year 2 in 2024-5


If you have any questions about Bluebell Class or our curriculum content, please feel free to email the office or speak to Mrs Wilson at the end of the day.
