
King Richard III Infant and Nursery School

We can do it! We never give up - anything is possible!

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Attendance in KS1 is now at 94.6%! Please keep working with us to raise this even more - every day in school adds to your child's learning and understanding!

Bluebell class - Year 2

We are Bluebell class!


Year 2

The adults who work in Bluebell Class are:

Mrs Stevens (Monday- Wednesday) and Mrs Tank (Thursday and Friday) 

Mrs Thorpe and Mrs Bevans (afternoons only)

Welcome to our class page! We hope that you will find some of the information below useful. 

PE is on a Monday and Friday this half-term. Please send your child to school with suitable PE clothes in a bag on this day (joggers, t-shirt, jumper and trainers). The children will need to get changed in school. 

Summer 2:

We have got lots of exciting learning to do this half term!


In English, we are going to be looking at 'Fantastic Mr Fox' by Roald Dahl to help use get more used to chapter books for Year 3. We will be writing character descriptions based of the three farmers, fact files about foxes and a persuasive letter trying to convince Ms Harrison to let us have a feast! We will also finish off the year with a look at Acrostic Poems.


In Maths, our main focus is on measurement. We will learn how to accurately measure and solve problems relating to length, height, mass, volume, capacity and temperature. We will also spend a week learning about position and direction, including different turns.


For History, we will be learning all about the man who gave our school his name - King Richard III. We will be visiting the King Richard III Visitor Centre and pondering whether he was a good or a bad person.


In Science, we will take a look at materials. We will be exploring how different materials change shape when you twist, squash or bend them and why that is useful. This runs alongside our DT topic of how to create structures using different shapes and materials. To conclude, we will try and create a bridge that will allow a toy car to pass over it.


In Art, we will be exploring the links between music and art, creating pieces whilst listening to music and looking at the work of Kandinsky.


In PSHE we will learn about our bodies, how they may change when we get older, the correct terminology for our private areas and what to do if someone touches us in a way we do not like. We will be having a workshop ran by the NSPCC as part of this too.


In RE, we will be taking a look into teachers and leaders, and who they are in different religions.


We have lots of exciting PE lessons this half-term too! We will be having a go at athletics and basketball each week, plus we will have a go at archery and take part in our school Sports Day.


Finally, we will have a very special Year 2 leavers concert where we will say goodbye to King Richard III and show off some of our learning to our new teachers and to our parents.


Please see our LTP for Summer 2 for more information. It will be an exciting end to our school year!

Learning planned across the year for Year 2 in 2023-24

Below you will find our Curriculum Maps for Autumn Term, Spring 1 and 2.


If you have any questions about Bluebell Class or our curriculum content, please feel free to email the office or speak to Mrs Stevens or Mrs Tank at the end of the day.

If you have any questions about Bluebell Class or curriculum content, please feel free to email: 

How to help your child's learning at home:



Read or share a story with your child every day. Your child will bring home a 'Little Wandle Letters and Sounds' reading book every Thursday. They will be able to read this book as they have read it in school. Ask them to read it to you and then discuss the book. 

What did they like about the story? 

What was their favourite part of the story?

Was there anything which surprised them? 

Please make sure that these book are returned to school on Mondays. 



Work on addition facts to 10 (e.g. 3+4=7, 6+1=7, 2+7=9 etc)

Work on subtraction facts within 10 (e.g. 8-2=6, 4-1=3, 7-4=3 etc)

Practise x tables (2s, 5s & 10s) 









