
King Richard III Infant and Nursery School

We can do it! We never give up - anything is possible!

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*** Attendance at the end of last week, from Reception to Year 2, was 95.1%!*** Please keep working with us to raise this even more - every day in school adds to your child's learning, knowledge and understanding!

Transition Information

If you've come to this page, it's because your child is going to join us at King Richards this Autumn term. We'd like to wish you a very warm


We're really excited that your family is going to be part of our school community smiley


Ms Harrison (Headteacher) and Mrs Lord (Early Years lead)


This is the presentation we shared with some of our new parents before the end of term:

New starter powerpoint for Autumn 2023 Reception joiners

Here are the slides from that powerpoint, in case you're having problems accessing it

Transition questions

If you have a question about your child's transition to our school, you're welcome to send us an email and we'll do our best to get back to you as soon as we can.
