
King Richard III Infant and Nursery School

We can do it! We never give up - anything is possible!

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*** Attendance at the end of last week, from Reception to Year 2, was 94.9%!*** Please keep working with us to raise this even more - every day in school adds to your child's learning, knowledge and understanding!

Newsletter for May 2022

KRIII Newsletter – 19th May 2022


Dear parents, carers, families and friends,


Today is another lovely sunny day and I’m writing this with the sounds of our nursery children enjoying a sunny playtime in the background  I hope you’re enjoying the summer term too.


Over the last couple of weeks, our Year 2 children have been working on a range of end-of-year assessment tasks with their teachers. It’s a credit to the staff in those classes that the children have been happy and calm throughout and busy with lots of other learning this term too. Other assessments will take place in other year groups before the summer break, but we always aim to make them just one part of the children’s learning. There’s a lot to do in the summer term, as you know!


I have a few things to mention in this newsletter – reminders rather than grumbles, I hope.


NUTSwe’re a nut-free school because we have children and adults who are very allergic to them even being in their environment. Please check the ingredients if you’re not sure about something in your child’s lunchbox. Unfortunately, there are some things that have nuts in them unexpectedly!


POPPY’S PLAYGROUND – Sometimes referred to as Poppy Playground, and obviously something that sounds as though it should be child-friendly. It seems that this is definitely NOT the case – lots of children around the school are mentioning it and several have talked about having really bad dreams after watching films about it on YouTube. Please keep talking with your children about what they watch or play. If you’d like some help setting parental controls on your devices, just let us know.


JUBILEE CELEBRATIONS - On Wednesday, the children will be having a celebration Jubilee lunch (outside, if the sun decides to join us!) To match the theme, we're asking children to come dressed in RED, WHITE or BLUE 


UNIFORM – Some of our classes have Forest School during the week. On those days, they’re encouraged to come in wearing clothes that you’re happier for them to get muddy in! On all other days, we expect our children in Reception, Year 1, Year 2 and the DSP classes to wear school uniform. If you’re finding this challenging, please speak to Anita and she may be able to help.


If you have any questions or comments, please let us know 


Ms Harrison and the KRIII team
