
King Richard III Infant and Nursery School

We can do it! We never give up - anything is possible!

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*** Attendance at the end of last week, from Reception to Year 2, was 96.4%!*** Please keep working with us to raise this even more - every day in school adds to your child's learning, knowledge and understanding!


Music Curriculum Intent

At King Richard III Infant and Nursery School Music is an integral part of day to day life. We aspire to ensure all children have a deep understanding of the knowledge and skills outlined in the Early years and KS1 Music curriculum, ensuring they are ready for the next phase of their educational journey. In order to achieve this, we have selected the “World-leading, configurable music teaching and learning platform” called Charanga. This was carefully chosen by all staff members who felt that it was extremely accessible to work from, and includes a broad range of musical genres and learning opportunities that support the ethos and different cultures at our school. There are also many CPD opportunities and videos for staff to increase their knowledge and skill base in teaching the Music curriculum, which is something King Richard III is extremely passionate about.


Although we have chosen to base our Music curriculum around a scheme, we have carefully selected which units and lessons we teach to ensure it meets the needs of our children and is achievable for all. At King Richard III each year group has its own curriculum map overview with the knowledge and skills to be taught outlined for the year. The Curriculum is split in to 3 areas; Listening and Appraising, Musical activities and Performing. We have designed it this way to mirror the Charanga schemes way of teaching, where all areas are taught within all units. There are also extension activities within the scheme to help move learning on for children who require extra challenge. The Charanga scheme supports the teaching of the 3 areas as well as other daily and yearly activities that have been built in to our curriculum to support our children’s musical learning and experiences (details of these can be found on our teaching timetable documents). A lot of our children arrive with minimal English language so we have set up a strong focus on singing and a love of songs all the way through the curriculum, which helps develop their language as well as support a love of music. This starts with nursery rhymes in Nursery and EYFS and then develops in to more complex songs and structures of songs in KS1. In addition to our Curriculum teaching, musical visits and performances from professional musicians happen throughout the year, as well as half termly talent shows and weekly singing assemblies. This helps to inspire and raise our children’s aspirations and provide new opportunities for them.

World Percussion Assembly - Tuesday 31st October, 2023

Our Children's responses to the World Percussion Assembly:


I loved the drumming because..."It was loud and quiet."

"I liked the Spiderman music."

"I enjoyed playing the drums on my legs."


Year 1:

"I liked seeing the different drums."

"I liked the Steel Pan the best."

"I liked the Tabla the best."

"It was nice to be loud for a change!"

"I liked the whole thing. It was brilliant!"


