
King Richard III Infant and Nursery School

We can do it! We never give up - anything is possible!

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*** Attendance at the end of last week, from Reception to Year 2, was 94.9%!*** Please keep working with us to raise this even more - every day in school adds to your child's learning, knowledge and understanding!

Newsletter for 21st January 2025

Date: 21st January 2025


Dear Parents, Carers, Families and Friends,


We hope this newsletter finds you well at the start of the Spring Term 2025!


Just a couple of notes to share with you at this point. 


Warm clothes

Thank you for sending your children dressed to keep warm on cold days - it's a good idea to write their name in those clothes, in case they lose them during the day. We can get them back to you/them much quicker if they're named. You don't have to buy labels specially for this - you can write on the clothes label with a biro or a Sharpie. 


Work on the KS1 playground starting in a couple of weeks

We're having work done on the KS1 playground soon - it will stop the big puddles from forming when it rains, and it will also address our significant flood risk! I know you'll be pleased with the work when it's finished, and I hope it won't cause too many disruptions to drop off and pick up times for you. At the moment, the plan is for the work to start two weeks before half term, and then for it to be finished off during half term.

We'll share more details with you closer to the time. 


Half term break

A reminder that school will be closed for half term during the week beginning Monday 17th February.

We'll be open again on Monday 24th February. 


As always, please do get in touch if there's something you'd like to discuss - you can catch me on the gates at drop off and pick up times, and Tanya (our Family Support Worker) is also there in the mornings. Mrs Stevens (our deputy head) and Mrs Lord (our SENDCo) are also on the gates at different times during the week. 


Many thanks, as always -


Ms Harrison (Headteacher)
